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Basis of Religion Series
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A Man of the Field
Volume 1: The Struggle Against Nonduality and Materialism
by Leon James
This book
in three volumes is about regeneration, which is the conscious discipline
of character change based on the scientific principles revealed in the Writings
of Swedenborg. When we read the Writings we begin to understand regeneration
in a medical, psychological, and educational perspective that is unique
and beneficial. Our prior understanding is based on the fundamental principle
of nonduality, which is that all things exist in the materialistic continuum
of the universe or reality. When we begin to see things from the perspective
of the Writings, we can replace every concept of nonduality into a duality.
Every duality is by reference to the natural and the spiritual as two separate
and distinct worlds, tied together by rational laws of correspondence that
have now been revealed by God through the mind of Swedenborg. We can then
begin our regeneration. This requires us to cooperate with the Lord by shunning
our daily mental evils as sins because sins prevent the preparation of our
mind for eternal heavenly life.
1 focuses on the mental discipline of "reformation" which is the first step
in regeneration and requires us to dispose of our former beliefs and meanings.
that we uncritically acquired in an educational and intellectual environment
of Eastern, Christian, and New Church forms of nonduality and scientific
materialism. More details

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A Man of the Field
Volume 2: Enlightenment, Extracting the Spiritual Sense of the Writings
by Leon James
This book
in three volumes is about regeneration, which is the conscious discipline
of character change based on the scientific principles revealed in the Writings
of Swedenborg. When we read the Writings we begin to understand regeneration
in a medical, psychological, and educational perspective that is unique
and beneficial. Our prior understanding is based on the fundamental principle
of nonduality, which is that all things exist in the materialistic continuum
of the universe or reality. When we begin to see things from the perspective
of the Writings, we can replace every concept of nonduality into a duality.
Every duality is by reference to the natural and the spiritual as two separate
and distinct worlds, tied together by rational laws of correspondence that
have now been revealed by God through the mind of Swedenborg. We can then
begin our regeneration. This requires us to cooperate with the Lord by shunning
our daily mental evils as sins because sins prevent the preparation of our
mind for eternal heavenly life.
Volume 2 is an exposition of the systematic techniques
of correspondences that are available to us for extracting the
spiritual-celestial meaning from the literal rational sentences of the
Writings. These techniques are those demonstrated in the Writings that
Swedenborg applied to the Word of the Old and New Testaments, and are
now applied to the Word of the Writings.
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A Man of the Field
Volume 3: Spiritual Regeneration Disciplines For Daily Life
by Leon James
Volume 3 of A Man of the Field discusses the details
of regeneration based on the Writings of Swedenborg (1688-1772). We are
born with a natural mind that develops all its concepts and principles
from a materialistic environment, culture, and education. Guiding these
naturalistic ideas are unregenerate natural loves and interests that
cause all our daily willing, thinking, and enjoying to be motivated by
self-interest. If we do not become spiritual as well as natural we are
unable to break the inherited traits that favor self over others.
Swedenborg’s eyewitness accounts of the afterlife prove that the
unregenerate character is bound to the hells in the mind and devolves
into eternal insanity and misery. Therefore regeneration is critical if
we desire to be bound instead to the heavens in our mind and to enjoy
its eternal felicities. Regeneration is the spiritual discipline of
monitoring our affections, intentions, thoughts, and enjoyments in our
daily tasks and roles, and holding up each to the light of the spiritual
principles given in the Writings by which we judge whether these favor
self over others, binding us deeper to hell, or whether they favor
others as well as self, thus binding us to heaven.
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An Appeal
in behalf of the Views of
the Eternal World and State,
and the Doctrines of Faith and Life
held by the Body of Christians Who
that a New Church is Signified (in The Revelation 21)
by The New Jerusalem
Embracing Answers to all Principal Objections
By Samuel Noble
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) wrote extensively how the
New Jerusalem indicated in The Revelation, Chapter 21, should be regarded
as a New Church, not a replacement Earth. This church, moreover, has already
begun, following reorganization of the spiritual world in the mid 1700s.
This spiritual rearrangement is responsible for the new freedoms of thought
and politics manifest since that time. Most importantly, Swedenborg's writings
have made available many new rational insights into the nature of spirituality
and religion.
Samuel Noble explains and defends these new doctrines concerning the Second
Coming of the Lord, the resurrection, and the last judgement, and relates
them the principles of faith and life held by those that now call themselves
the New Church. This Church has a new understanding of the Trinity within
the Person Of The Lord Jesus Christ, as well as of his Atonement, Sacrifice,
and Mediation. He shows how this new framework yields a New Church Doctrine
of Life, a Doctrine of Genuine Holiness.
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